Favorite Story - Mike Learns his Lesson

One of my favorite stories... I am not sure who wrote it but if anyone knows let me know. B
Mike raced through the door and into the kitchen, heading straight for the refrigerator. From the other room he heard "Michael, I want to have a word with you". His mother's voice stopped him dead in his tracks. Wanting to have a "word" with him meant only one thing...he was in deep trouble.
Mike shuffled slowly into the living room where his mother was waiting for him. She motioned for him to come join her on the couch.
"I had a little talk with your teacher, Ms. Jameson today"
Mike cringed. This WAS big trouble.
"She said your grades in math have been going down hill all year and if they don't start going back up, she's going to have to fail you. Now what do you have to say about that, young man?"
Mike squirmed, "It's just...I really don't like math, mom ...I'm no good at it...and Ms. Jameson is really hard...and nobody else is doing good either..."
"Michael, you know I don't care about what anyone else does except you. Now, Ms. Jameson says that your homework has gotten sloppy and that you're even a few assignments behind. Is that true?!?"
"I guess mom, but..."
"No buts young man!!! There is absolutely NO excuse for slacking off in your schoolwork and you know it. I have to say Michael, I am very disappointed in your behavior."
Instinctively, Mike glanced around the room for the dreaded hairbrush. His mom caught him looking.
"Oh yes young man, you've definitely earned yourself a bare bottom trip across my lap...but Ms. Jameson tells me you have a math test tomorrow. Have you even started studying for it?"
Mike looked down at the floor and shook his head. His mom sighed.
"Well then, as much as I'd like to spank you right now, I don't want a sore bottom to distract you from studying. So, I want you to go upstairs to your room and study for your test. No nonsense now! Understand?!?"
Mike nodded eagerly. "Okay mom...I'll study really hard!"
"You'd better! But don't think you're getting off so easily, young man" his mother warned. "Tomorrow after school, you and I and the hairbrush are going to have a little chat. Do I make myself clear?!?"
Mike looked down again. "Yes, ma'am".
"Alright, get going then. I'll bring you up a sandwich and some milk a little later".
Mike trudged upstairs to his room and tossed his backpack on the bed. It wasn't fair!! How could he possibly study knowing that tomorrow he was going to be squirming across his mother's lap getting his butt blistered with the hairbrush! He knew his mom didn't like spanking him but she sure did do it hard when she had to.
He sat down and thought about it. Maybe...if he did really well on that math test, his mom would be so pleased she'd forget all about his punishment. It was his only chance. Mike grabbed his math book and went to work on adding and subtracting fractions.
The next morning Mike was really nervous, but when Ms. Jameson handed him the test paper, he realized that he knew how to do most of the problems. When he got stuck on a few really hard problems during the test, he just thought about that big wooden hairbrush smacking hard against his bottom again and again and again. This helped him concentrate and he managed to figure even the tough ones out.
At the end of the day, Ms. Jameson called Mike over to her desk.
"Now this is much more like it, Michael" she said handing him his math test with an A+ on it and a big gold star at the top.
"It seems my talking to your mother did you some good" she smiled knowingly.
"I hope you learned a lesson that will stay with you for a while!"
Mike blushed furiously. "Yes, Ms. Jameson"
"Good. Class is dismissed"
Mike ran all the way home. He was so excited to show his math paper to his mom. There was no way she could spank him now! He rushed through the kitchen door, almost running his mother over in the process.
"Whoa Mike...where's the fire?" she laughed.
He handed her his math test. "Look mom! I got them all right! ALL right!"
"Oh Mike," she said giving him a big hug. "That wonderful! I'm SO proud of you kiddo!!! I knew you could do it! I'm going to put this on the refrigerator and you and I are going to go celebrate!"
Mike grinned from ear to ear. "Thanks mom! Can we have pizza??"
They went out for pizza and had a great time together. Mike's mom even gave him some quarters to play video games. Mike had forgotten all about the spanking until they were in the car heading back home. All of a sudden, his mom switched off the radio and looked at him.
"Alright now Michael, when we get home I want you to go straight to your room and get ready for your spanking!"
"BUT MOM...." Mike cried in surprise.
"But WHAT Michael !?! I told you yesterday you were going to get a dose of the hairbrush for slacking off in your school work."
"But I got an A+ on my math test!!!"
"Yes you did Mike, and I'm very, very proud of you for that. But that just shows me that you could be doing fine in math if you just put your mind to it. It's not that you're bad at math, you're just lazy about studying. And I can think of no better reason than that for a spanking!"
They pulled into their driveway and mom stopped the car. "Alright, young man I want you to go straight upstairs to you room and stand with your nose in the corner. While you're there, I want you to think very hard about why I'm going to punish you tonight. Is that clear???"
"Yes, ma'am"
"Alright then...march!!"
Mike went upstairs to his room and threw himself on the bed miserably. It wasn't fair!!! It just wasn't fair!! All that work for nothing! He was still going to punished. If only he hadn't gotten so behind in math that Ms. Jameson had to call his mom. If only...
But it was too late now. He heard his mom's footsteps on the stairs and hurried into the corner placing his nose against the wall. He'd get it much worse if she caught him disobeying her!
His mother came into the room and he could hear her behind him moving the chair away from his desk and into the middle of the room.
"Alright Michael, come over here to me, please"
Mike walked over to the chair where his mother was now sitting trying not to look at the hairbrush she held in her lap.
"Did you think about why you're going to get punished tonight Mike?" His mom asked.
"'Cause I didn't study" Mike mumbled.
"Is that ALL you could come up with, young man? Maybe you need to spend some more time in the corner thinking about it!"
"No, mom" Mike said urgently, he hated standing in the corner almost as much as he hated getting spanked.
"Well then??"
"'Cause..I guess...if I would have studied all year as hard as I did last night for that math test...I wouldn't be doing bad in math and Ms. Jameson wouldn't have to call you."
"That's right Mike. You had a job to do, and you didn't do it! Isn't that right?"
Mike nodded staring at his scuffed up sneakers and the carpet that he was going to be seeing very closely in another minute or two.
"We both have a job to do Michael. Do you know what happens if I slack off and don't do my job?"
Mike shook his head.
"I get fired, and then we're both in really big trouble. You have a job to do too. You need to go to school and study. And do you know what happens if you slack off and don't do YOUR job??"
Mike could feel his face turn deep red and couldn't say anything.
"I asked you a question young man and I expect to hear an answer!!! Now what happens when YOU don't do your job?"
"I get spanked" Mike whispered.
"That's right...and that exactly what's going to happen RIGHT NOW! Now take down your pants"
Hands shaking, Mike undid the button and zipper on his jeans and pushed them down. They fell clumsily around his ankles. His mother took his hand and helped him shuffle over to her right side and over her lap. She positioned him so that his bottom was sticking up and out for the hairbrush. Then expertly hooked her fingers into the waistband of his briefs and yanked them down all the way to his knees. She picked up the hairbrush and laid its cool flat back across the center of his bare bottom.
"I'm sorry I have to do this Michael, but you've had this coming for a long time!"
With that she raised the hairbrush and smacked it smartly against his right cheek. Mike cried out at the first bite of the hairbrush and continued to cry out as his mother smacked the hairbrush hard against his wriggling bare bottom. She spanked methodically, going up and down one side and then the other. She didn't say anything for a minute or two and all that could be heard in the room was the crack of the hairbrush and Mike's yelps and cries.
After a few minutes, Mike's bottom was in agony and he began crying in earnest and begging for her to stop. But his mother ignored Mike's cries and continued to deliver a steady rhythm of spanks to his already red bottom.
"Aww....please mom...stop...I'll be good awww...I promise...awww!!"
"Yes Mike, (WHAP) I'm sure you will be... for a little while (WHAP), but I don't want to have to repeat this lesson anytime soon (WHAP). So, I'm going to make sure (WHAP) that you remember it for a good long while (WHAP)."
After another minute, she began to lecture him, punctuating each sentence with another smack of the hairbrush.
"Next time you start having trouble in school, I want you to come and talk to me about it before it gets out of hand (WHAP). I don't want to hear about it from your teacher (WHAP)! Do you understand me young man!?! (WHAP).
"Yeeesss!" Mike wailed.
"And I want to see your homework every single night from now on! (WHAP). And it had better be done my boy, or you'll be right back here with your pants down and crying (WHAP). Is that clear!?!"
After five minutes of spanking, Mike's mom knew her little boy had had about as much as he could take. His bottom was fire engine red and very hot to the touch and he was hiccuping from crying so hard.
"Alright, Mike...it's alright" she soothed, as she rubbed his back gently. She waited for his sobs to subside before she spoke again.
"Okay Michael, lets see if you learned anything during this lesson".
Mike tried to quiet his cries and pay attention. His mom always asked questions after a spanking and if he got the answer wrong she would give him extra spanks while she explained what the RIGHT answer was.
" Are you going to study harder now Mike?"
"Yes mom...I will...I promise"
"And what about your homework??"
"I'll do it...every night mom...I promise...and I'll show it to you. Every night I'll show it to you"
"That's good Michael! And if you don't understand something in class or start to fall behind, what are you going to do?"
"I'll come and talk to you mom...I won't wait or nothin'..."
"That's my good boy Mike. I think you've learned your lesson for tonight. Your spanking is over" And with that she dropped the hairbrush on the floor and lifted him into her lap. Even though he was too big, she held him against her, rocking him like she did when he was just a baby...and let him cry tears of pain and relief against her shoulder as she whispered words of comfort and love into his ear. Finally, when he had cried himself out...she stood up and put him under the covers of his bed, smiling when she saw him turn immediately over onto his stomach. He wasn't likely to be sleeping on his bottom for a night or two. After helping him put on just the top of his pj's and tucking him in, she sat down by him on the bed, gently ruffling his hair and rubbing his back until he started to fall asleep. She gently brushed away the tears that still clung to his eyelashes, and watched as Mike's face relaxed in the deep and peaceful slumber of little boys who had cried themselves out across their mother's lap.
-- The End --
Teriffic story. I wish I had gotten spankings like Mike's mom gave when I ignored my school work.
How true it is that naughty boys of any age sleep better when they go to bed with the residual tears and sniffles of a sound spanking, rather than the thoughts of how they can get out of the justice of the hairbrush.
I wish that I could go to bed tonight with the tears of a well-disciplined bare bottom.
my butt stings just thinking about it
im going to get that in a minute only with the hand belt and hairbrush for saying something but my sister lide but no one ever belives me my dad just called [whap]
I've always regretted not getting spanked by my mom, but that's because I regretted not having the experience of lying bare bottom up on her nylon-stockinged or wool-skirted knees.
I went to catholic schools and got hit a few times, but never with removed clothing and never by a nun. I always 1dered what it would be like to get 25 hair brush swats bare otk by a nun who weighed over 200 and who was over six ft tall..
I like your site and the drawings. I am 60 and was spanked until I was 16 and I still think about it all the time. My mother would tell me to wait for her and the longer I waited the more trouble I was in. She would then scold me and depending on what she was going to spank me with order me to drop my pants, if she used a hair brush it was over her knee if it was the strap it was over the bed. After blistering my rear I would have to stand in the corner with my hands on my head. Once while in this position she escorted a friend of hers into the room to show her "what happens to naught boys"
I loved your story It sounds to me that you earned the spanking you got .I liked the way you told the story I didn't believe that your mother was going let you off easy. And she didn't Based on what you shared it sounds like earned what you received .Did. You really believe that you were going to get way with poor behavior .I believe that there are times when a correction lesson in the form of a spanking is warranted ?when this occurs whether it s often or not it needs to something that is a definite learning experience .Therefore a spanking bare bottom is very much warranted Although not a big believer in OTK spanking in your situation it WAs warranted and deserved
I love the story and have read it several times. I try really hard to understand why Mom spanked him after the threat of it made him study hard and ace his math test. How could she spank him after that? Her analogy with poor performance at work proves the point. If she got a bad work review, she'd be fired if she didn't improve. If she improved, she wouldn't get fired. Bosses don't fire you if you improve. Mom's work example should have applied to her son. He improved but his bare bottom got "fired" anyway! This was both irrational and unfair. Poor kid. Every time I reread the story I fantasize alternative endings whereby the kid gets his revenge!
The boy s Mummie knows best when spankings are needed.
My mother deals with my bare bottom over her knee with her ebony hairbrush 4 times per week straight after school
as a teen boy i was spanked by my stepmom nude from age 12 thru 18. ppl may criticize this but i must admit it did work. i had a hard time accepting being naked in front of my three sisters who always watched but it made sure i behaved. it was also hard not being allowed pubic hair, or allowed to cover w my hands, but the worst was an ice bath before each spanking( so i had a small penis in front of my sisters). cornertime would follow and remaining nude for periods of time( a week or two). eventually i accepted it and learned to respect girls and women the right way. girls in our family were never spanked and it was mandatory for boys to be spanked. girls and women wore clothes but i did not. it did work for me.
Janet, I to enjoyed reading that story. I couldn’t help thinking about whe I was young and in school. In my elementary school days, I really did not like school.
I was very shy and lacked confidence in myself. I was growing up in a foster home with 4 or 5 other kids from the same orphanage home.
My foster mother was in her 40’s and most of us kids were anywhere from 4 years old to my sisters ages which was 13 and 14. ( just guessing, but pretty close. My foster mother was from old school. She and her husband went to one room schools before world war 1. She was alway the head of house type person and what she said, went!
She definately believed in over the knee bare bottom spankings when we were naughty. The thing about how we did or was doing academically was something she knew nothing about. Now if we were bad in school and the school called her than appropriate action was a trip across her knee in the bathroom. We were never taken to task about doing our homework though. I hated math with a passion! I never got anything but F’s on my grade cards in math. One time my 3rd grade teacher kept me after school so she could try to help me understand subtractions. At one point she became frustrated with my progress that day that she told me that she was going to spank me if I didn’t pay attention to what she was trying to explain to me. I knew she would do that and I sent her paddle a couple students before in class. Teachers were aloud to do that back then.
Well I definately tried harder and I surprised myself that yes I could get the hang of subtraction if I really tried. With her threat to redden my bottom, I was motivated to pay attention and learn. Talk about the power of the Female hand that can scorch your bottom! I wish, looking back, that I would have had a Mom like the one in the story.
That is interesting that you say that any boy goes to bed and sleeps well after their bottoms have been spanked. I should know because when my girlfriend takes me across her lap and after leg locking me in she spanks my bare bottom hard. Needl as to say that after she holds me close in bed and she explains why she had to punish me, I feel very secure and a feeling of well being. Before she leaves to go home to her place each night she kisses me and tells me she loves me. We don’t live together.
well , you could visit an escot who would take you over her nylon-stockinged knees and spank the daylight out of you . You'r never to old for a sound spanking
lucky you
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