Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What type of Spanking is for you?

What type of Spanking is for me? Let me tell you a true story...
As long as I can remember, spanking has been part of my life.  When I was younger, I did everything I could not to be spanked, I was scared to death of it. As my teenage years approached, spanking become less scary and more interesting. At school, I always wanted to hear about the spankings my friends received at home. Although, it was hard trying to ask just the right questions to provoke more information without seeming like a weirdo. When I was about eleven, staying overnight at a friends house, one event changed my life and threw me over the edge into the spanking world forever...
I was watching a movie with my friend, his sister Sandy(13), and his older step-sister Alexis(15). The movie was slightly on the edge of inappropriate but in this day and age I don't know if if would get the TV13 rating but all the same, one title I'll never forget... Blue Lagoon.  In Doug's house this was very much over the top for his parents standards and might as well be rated X.  His mother returned home from a movie with a friend, earlier than expected and completely hit the roof. I could not believe how enraged she became over a movie.  We were sent to Doug's room and told to get right to bed. After hearing yelling and several doors slam, I heard one word that changed the whole situation and really my life..."Whipping"  Doug's mom told Sandy she was "going to get a whipping". At that point, the house became quiet. She was in her room waiting her fate and Alexis was upstairs in her room.  Trying to move closer to the door in Doug's room, without showing the unmistakable fact I was interested with what was about to transpire, I heard the sound of a belt buckle and swift footsteps as Doug's mom passed by our room.  I heard Sandy's door open and slam shut with a muffed voice say "Please mom don't spank me".  For the next several minutes all you could hear was that belt cracking on her bottom mixed with screams and crying.  I don't think I slept the whole night..  caught between being scared and wondering what a whipping was like from another mom.
The next morning I was able to find out the whole story. Alexis was spared a whipping with the belt because she called her father and was let off the hook.  We did not get punished because the older sister's should have known not to watch such filth. Sandy did not say a word but I saw some pretty big bruises on her upper thighs when she walked down the hall. 
Now... What does spanking mean to me?
Ever since that night, I have always favored the traditional Maternal discipline type spanking.  I love the angry step-mother scenario, or even a friends mom. :) I sometimes wonder how things would have changed if I never spent that night.... 
Anyway, I would love to hear from you!! What type of spanking do you enjoy? Did any life event influence you?